Industry News

full glazed polished porcelain tiles

Based on Cubic Micro Powder technology, full glazed polished porcelain tiles change traditional loading technical, double loading with the mode of different moulds and interim material integration. Product has the characteristics as multi- level, natural vein, profound color, totally immitating natural marble surface vein and color match-up, comparable with the current vogue constructive tile.

The main advantages for full glazed polished porcelain tiles production process are below. First, it is no need to use high-quality raw materials for the full glazed polished porcelain tiles body, which surface with 0.5-1mm thickness glaze layer just ok. Second, the full glazed polished porcelain tiles’ pattern simulation degree is very easy to do and the cost is low. Third, the full glazed polished porcelain tiles production is more friendly environmental. Because the glaze firing speed is very fast, the energy consumption is low.

Therefore, full glazed polished porcelain tiles are become more and more popular.